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Hello! So we finally regained enough strength to leave beautiful Oaxaca and head east towards Chiapas. Leaving the city, we took a detour to Hierve el Agua - a site with petrified waterfalls and beautiful springs on top. It was a bit out of the way but definately worth it. Unfortunately for such a unique sight visitors are allowed to swim in the pools, walk all over, so in a few years all the beauty might be destroyed. It was strange, back home national monuments such as this are tightly controlled, you can only walk on designated pathways and watched so that you don´t touch or damage anything.
As we entered our last Mexican state of Chiapas, we passed through the capital of Tuxtla and went to the "best zoo in Mexico" (it was nice), and then Chiapa de Corso, where we stayed for the night and had a lot of fun at the town festival riding rollercoasters and drinking margaritas. The next day we took a boat tour up the Cañon del Sumidero - a huge 1000meter deep gorge - and saw many historical spots on the tour such as the spot where hundreds of indiginous fighters jumped to their deaths to avoid their inevitable capture by the Spanish conquistadors.
But it is time to go! We are thinking that in another day or 2 we will be sufficiently strong to continue towards the famous Mayan ruins of Palenque (mostly downhill there as it is at 70 meters!) From there the Guatemalan border will be just days away...
Hasta pronto, Kat y Swen
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awesome pics; gute reise ihr beiden!
That sounds soooo fun! I wish i were there with you (except for the bad blackberries part). Love, Anna
word be careful!
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