All of a sudden we are at the end of a lot of kilometers pedaling (click here to see our final statistics). We still are a little bit surprised by it, after three days in the house of Kat's aunt in San Rafael. We have been looking forward to arriving here for a while, but felt like “what now??” when we were finally here.
I guess the end of such a long trip always comes a bit as a shock, a surprise. The sudden change of daily habits, of our travel routine: of buying the daily food supplies in a small village, filling all water bottles an hour before the day's end of cycling; of looking for a camp-spot in the afternoons, setting up the tent, cooking on our little camping stove, crawling in the sleeping bags by 8-9pm; of getting up with sunrise, packing the 6 bags each again, and pedaling pedaling pedaling...; of cleaning bikes, fixing punctures, consulting maps for the next day's planning, reading route descriptions of other bike travelers, calculating distances.
And now... no more of all this for a while: we have a bed, a room, a roof, a house, a shower, a fridge full of good food, a TV, and all the other usual commodities of everyday life. We were warmly welcomed into this – for us – “new” life by Kat's family – her 2 aunts and cousins living here whom Kat herself hadn't seen for 8 long years. So now the bikes sit in the storage room for the moment, waiting for their last big deep-clean. We will get them out again soon and strap them to the car when we begin our road trip south in a few weeks.
We left you off in the last post in Salta, a nice town in northern Argentina where we had rested for a few days. We left in the afternoon, after spending a last couple of hours in a coffee-shop with WiFi on the main plaza to email to friends and family.
Now northern Argentina has a lot of desert, long stretches of flat, sandy and rocky plains full of thorn bushes, with the occasional sand dunes, rock formations and little villages appearing out of the otherwise monotonous scenery. It looks a lot like the southwest US. We got hit with a lot of strong winds, mostly coming straight from up front slowing us down to seemingly crouching speed, making the anyway never-changing landscapes appear even more endless and unforgiving.
And finally Mendoza, which we reached in a 600km overnight bus ride when we had enough of monotonous deserts once more, was a very pleasant town to celebrate our near-arrival at the end with lots of local red wine (80% of Argentina's wine is produced in this region), good food, a jazzy concert in the chic Teatro Independencia and long strolls through its parks, plazas and gardens.
Kat's mom spent most of her childhood here, she emailed a small list of places we needed to visit – the parks, the hills she used to run up with her sister, the old neighborhood where we chatted with the elderly shop owner on the corner who still fondly remembers the Gabrielidis family, telling us of things distant relatives used to do. It was an extremely interesting and happy time for Kat to learn more about where her mother grew up and imagine what it must have been like for her 50 years ago. We also were able to surprisingly meet up with 8 other cyclists, who by some strange coincidence were all in Mendoza at the same time, 7 of whom we had meet and cycled with before in Chile, Bolivia, Peru and even Mexico so long ago! It was a nice reunion, we went out for wine and pizza, discussed routes and cycling experiences since our last rides together, and future plans. For the moment, it appears we are the only ones getting off the bikes: some go to New Zealand or Asia, some continue south towards Ushuaia. Maybe we'll see some again someday in Europe... who knows, the cyclo-touring world isn't too big!
We were ready to leave Mendoza after a few days – it seems like now we have a habit of quick, intense visits, we'll have to wait and see how we handle this new pause! – but not quite so ready to finish our bike trip that abruptly, having another 10 days anyway until Kat's mom would arrive. So we decided to make a small side trip on the final stretch south to San Rafael: to have a last big mountain pass on a dirt road, see the snow of the Andes once more on bikes, and maybe even get a glimpse of the highest peak of the Americas, Mt. Aconcagua on the Argentine-Chilean border.
Finally we made it down into a huge broad desert valley, the snow-covered peaks of the central Andes in view, to the small town of Uspallata, passing through the region where the movie “Seven Years In Tibet” was filmed (so, it was not filmed in Tibet … we wonder now how many other movies we may have seen thinking it shows the landscapes of this or that place the movie is about, while it actually was filmed on some other continent ... do movies make us stupid and ignorant in this way too??).
But 80km further the winds subsided finally, so we could get out of the car and continued south on our own power. We made it all the way to a small village called Paraditos, with a now light back wind we were going fast and reaching our best average ever, doing over 100km (>60miles) in just under 4 hours. It was our last night of camping, our last night of a long trip, a last night with the bikes attached to a tree next to the tent in a public garden full of barbecues and little tables.... the end. sniff, sniff...
A few more hours of pedaling against winds through thorn bush deserts brought us the next day quickly to San Rafael, to the house of Aunt Neni. Showers, a few washing machine loads of dirty clothes and a lot of relaxing being fed home-made gnocchi and pasta while catching up on family goings-on with Neni, Aunt Silvia, cousins Tuti and Gregorio, meeting new cousin-niece Renata. And here we are, impatient for Kat's mom to arrive in 2 days. We aren't totally sure when we will begin our trip south, we're taking it day by day and will try not to get sucked back into the luxuries of bed, couch, and kitchen!
1 comment:
Hey there I am jealous of your travels - not enough lung power to do it by bicycle but I remember our road trips in Argentina and want to drive all of Ruta 40...I just heard from Victoria that she's been with you for over a month and you are all having a blast! Do post an account of your Patagonian travels...abrazos...
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